Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Canine Cluster Seizures My Dog Has Canine Tonic-Clonic Seizures...what To Do?

My dog has Canine Tonic-Clonic Seizures...what to do? - canine cluster seizures

Before you say, take him to the vet ... Yes, I know. But honey, no money.
I mixed chihuahua ...? It was two years since she six months. Three days ago was showing symptoms of parvo, which one would have expected. Dehydration, lack of everything he has tried to eat. Being on a low income, we followed the instructions given to us previously been outbreaks of Parvo Allive (other dogs yet) and put on a diet 5cc/hr Gatorade. "If you support something, it will be. It is the economic alternative by Friends of the $ 300 are not guaranteed IV in the night at the vet when we catch them early."
It seemed to work, but now reinforced by approximately 6 clock when I was a dose of Gatorade, neck stretched back and began to tremble, opened his eyes and he was not breathing. Check online and chat with friends who have dogs with very mild attacks of tonic-clonic lists of symptoms or characteristics of what we know.
Previously, there was a crisis group, everyone has to 6pm, 10pm,11:30 pm ET 12:15 a very small (like the first one) at 12:25 Clock. They have an average of 3-5 minutes (remember, I am a mother, they are timeless for me) and the last was only a few seconds.
I am the type of person who will know of a way to each pet, as defined, but it sounds neurological and out of my league. BTW: No poisons stay at home at your fingertips.

Can someone tell me, the information is the best way to euthanize? He put up for adoption by a family who can afford the costs of veterinarians? I'm not that kind of time? or what? I really do not know what to do and like I said, I'm broke. What is my best option?

Another child (minor second), one at 12:33 am Another to 1243 up to 12.45 hours. Will it ever stop? Please help me! Please guide me!


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